Monday, September 27, 2010

Intangible Sound Symbol

To find a symbol that represents audio and not a physical element was difficult. This is a symbol of a sound wave growing in volume and pitch. The other image is a symbol for prayer. Prayer being an intangible element. You can't physically see the prayer but you can hear a prayer spoken.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Barangaroo Poster

This Poster emphasises the fact that once green space is built and developed it is impossible to repair it back to its original state. By using a common coke can a metaphor is drawn in the poster, "You Can't Bring It Back". The coke can also portrays how diverse and common the problem of destroying green space is.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Find A Symbol Of A Belief Group

This is the symbol of the Rastafarian belief in Ethiopia.The people worship Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, The former emperor of Ethiopia and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. They believe god (Jah) is in everyone one and refer to themselves as "I and I".

Monday, September 6, 2010


  1. 4 leaf clover- Good luck
  2. New shoes on the table- Bad luck
  3. Walking underneath ladders- Bad luck
  4. Black cat crossing your path- Bad luck
  5. Breaking a mirror- Bad luck

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Barangaroo Final Symbol

This is a much more simple, abstract symbol. It incorporates the city (grey), green space (green), the white stroke between the two, oxgen, air, wind, all created from green space. The whole symbol is in the shape of a leaf and can be seen as the two counters from a capitol B for Barangaroo!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rheebus Exercise

Rheebus Exercise- This was much more challenging then I first expected. Creating a drawing that has enough detail to give a sound and joining those together was very difficult. In this attempt at a rheebus the illustrations are suppose to create the sentence "Icelandic Houseboat Party"!

Barangaroo Sketches

These sketches were used in the creation of our symbols for barangaroo preservation and ultimately enriching Australia (Sydney) about the importance of green space in a city.
Our distribution is also sketched, the idea that people need oxygen and we will give them oxygen as gifts. Playing on oxygen being free today but maybe not in the future and giving green space its significance and importance back.

5 Faces Of BBCD Staff In Pixels

These are five pixel interpretations of members of staff at BBCD, the main idea here is to portray the key features of the person that helps identify who they are. Not looking for the most accurate versions of there face but caricature style, depicting the essence and personality of the person.

Find A Symbol Of Revolution That Now Is Not

The southern cross I believe was a symbol of revolution, a break away from the British rule in Australia. It gives Australia its own identity, bringing the people together. Although this symbol has become patriotic amongst most Australians it has caused a massive problem within our community. It has segregated Australia and its foundation of immigrants, for example the "Cronulla Riots". So I believe this symbol has completely changed from its original meaning to bring together a nation to segregating one!

Find A Symbol That Has Changed Its Meaning

The symbol of beauty by having a tan has changed. Years ago their were few acknowledged consequences for sun tanning and there for most people did it and wanted to be "brown". This symbol or icon of a bronzed aussie has changed with the detection of skin cancer and realisation that when you get older your skin will look like leather and not beautiful idealistic at all!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Barangaroo Symbol

These finals for Barangaroo were way too illustrative and did not reflect a symbolic interpretation when minimised to a size the logo might have to be. When minimised they were not recognisable.


Blue Bananas is the name of our group. It is easily identifiable as a banana and it depicts our muck around, have a laugh personality.

Exercise Week 4

Exercise 4 was a task where I created street sign symbols for certain objects, people or places.

Exercise Week 3

Exercise 3 was a recreation of the nursery rhyme "humpty dumpty", using a symbols this interpretation was created.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exercise Week 2

These are sketches for our group symbol, also a mind map of a name for our group.

5 Different Groups In Society

Within society exists groups of people that are segregated by simple elements such as fashion, physical traits, beliefs and religions, location, intellect and hobby.
The groups I have chosen to portray are as follows:
1. Hippies
2. Christian Youth Group
3. Nudists
4. Red Heads
5. Australian Patriots, (Group with Southern Cross tattoo)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Symbols Giving Direction Without Using Arrows

As follows,
1.Directing people onto buses
2.Directing traffic through blind spot
3.Direction for bike route
4.Direction for people walking and traffic to slow
5.Direction for marathon athletes
These are all symbols in our environment that direct us without using a typical arrow.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Exercise One- The joint shapes combine to create a car, face, flower, action figure, teapot and animal (swan). It is amazing how many things can be seen from the same random geometric shapes!