Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exercise Week 2

These are sketches for our group symbol, also a mind map of a name for our group.

5 Different Groups In Society

Within society exists groups of people that are segregated by simple elements such as fashion, physical traits, beliefs and religions, location, intellect and hobby.
The groups I have chosen to portray are as follows:
1. Hippies
2. Christian Youth Group
3. Nudists
4. Red Heads
5. Australian Patriots, (Group with Southern Cross tattoo)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Symbols Giving Direction Without Using Arrows

As follows,
1.Directing people onto buses
2.Directing traffic through blind spot
3.Direction for bike route
4.Direction for people walking and traffic to slow
5.Direction for marathon athletes
These are all symbols in our environment that direct us without using a typical arrow.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Exercise One- The joint shapes combine to create a car, face, flower, action figure, teapot and animal (swan). It is amazing how many things can be seen from the same random geometric shapes!